Thursday, August 25, 2011


I walked along the sandy beach.
There was a piercing sound of quite birds from some where.
Waves hushed by the moon-created a beautiful rain.
Darkness everywhere I looked.
In the distant night I saw a strange reflection.
I went towards it.
As I neared it-more clearer picture was-
of a small toy doll baby forgotten in the sand
I stare at it.
Less than one meter I stood near it-wondering to whom it belongs.
Semi metal body intersected with strange wool accessories
that were shining on the moon light.
It was sitting motionless on the sand
Two glass eyes made its metal body shine with a crystal glow.
They reflected the dark sky.
So beautiful, yet it was sinking in the sand, alone.
I sat next to it.
Touching a small metal arm, asking: “Are you okay?”
It turned its head towards me,
repeating the same question.
I couldn’t hide my smile.
“Come, I’ll look after you”, I’ve said.
“Come, I’ll look after you”, he repeated.
Dawn was breaking when we went home…..


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