Thursday, August 25, 2011


I walked along the sandy beach.
There was a piercing sound of quite birds from some where.
Waves hushed by the moon-created a beautiful rain.
Darkness everywhere I looked.
In the distant night I saw a strange reflection.
I went towards it.
As I neared it-more clearer picture was-
of a small toy doll baby forgotten in the sand
I stare at it.
Less than one meter I stood near it-wondering to whom it belongs.
Semi metal body intersected with strange wool accessories
that were shining on the moon light.
It was sitting motionless on the sand
Two glass eyes made its metal body shine with a crystal glow.
They reflected the dark sky.
So beautiful, yet it was sinking in the sand, alone.
I sat next to it.
Touching a small metal arm, asking: “Are you okay?”
It turned its head towards me,
repeating the same question.
I couldn’t hide my smile.
“Come, I’ll look after you”, I’ve said.
“Come, I’ll look after you”, he repeated.
Dawn was breaking when we went home…..



Run away from the towns and cities. Go out into the wide, open spaces in the lap of nature. When you take it all in – the unending horizon, the whispering wind, the swaying trees, the gliding clouds, the moving sun or moon – you find that it’s all a dance! If you just ‘let go’ for some time, you will feel that everything is constantly celebrating life, dancing around you.
Deep inside you, something stirs – a dance awakens. And you want to dance with the wind and the trees and the clouds and the sun. It all becomes sacred. Not to be happy is to be ungrateful to existence. So you just let go and dance in thankfulness to nature, to the Supreme Being that you are alive to experience this.

The same feeling comes to you in meditation. When you have exhausted your body with vigorous movement and can take it no more, you become still and let it all settle down. The mind stops for a time. Then peace descends upon you. You lose count of time and go on floating into the beyond. You do not want this to end – ever. But it does and then you want to celebrate and by itself the body breaks into a graceful dance.
In ancient India, this dance was represented as the Nataraj – when Lord Shiva became the Grandmaster of Dance. This nataraj pose is the defining portrayal of all dance down the centuries. Each mudra or gesture has a deep meaning and is well-worth understanding and following.

Throughout the centuries, mystics have been dancing in this ecstasy. The so-called normal people who live by their heads cannot understand this: “Why is Meera, the total devotee of Lord Krishna, suddenly dancing?”

Osho says,
”Meera danced all over the country. Nobody knows how many people understood the dance. She sang beautiful songs. They are not philosophical treatises, but they have beautiful gaps. If you can catch those gaps, you can enter into the unknown. Her dances are a language of a totally different calibre. If you can understand her dance, perhaps something will start dancing in you. All that is needed is an openness, a receptivity, so that her dance can trigger the dormant energy in your being. And if you can also dance, you will have communicated, you will have understood what meditation is.”

The Sufis dance. They get so drunk with their whirling that they can go on dancing for hours – as if in a trance. But they are totally alert and very focused as they whirl at a single point. All through the Middle East, North Africa and North India, the Sufis sing and dance when they cannot hold their elation anymore.

The Baul Mystics dance. They sing and dance in West India to express their bliss. They dance on their own, by themselves, as they are so full of the juice of meditation.

Then there was George Gurdjieff, the Russian Mystic Master, who lived around 50 years ago. From North Africa, the Middle East to Afghanistan he searched and, influenced by the Sufi dancers, he devised his special dances known as Gurdjieff Movements as the center piece of meditation.

Osho incorporated all these dancing techniques into the meditations he created. The most important of them is called – no wonder – Nataraj. Osho’s other major meditations revolve around dance to celebrate. This issue presents all these dances as meditation and celebration. With these techniques, Osho enables us to experience the joy, the bliss, the ecstasy of dance to reach the unreachable, know the unknowable.

Osho says,
“The painter, poet, sculptor, singer or dancer becomes instrumental in the hands of existence and no longer remains an artist but dissolves into existence and becomes one. The artist disappears and becomes one with art. The painter becomes the painting, the singer becomes the song, the poet becomes the poem and the dancer becomes the dance.”
Except man, the whole of existence is dancing. Come, become a pagan, a Meera, a Sufi, a Baul, a Gurdjieff and dance your way to God.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The three important aspects of life

The three most important aspects of life are BEING, DOING, HAVING.

BEING is the basic experience of being alive and conscious. It is the experience we have when we’re fully focused in the present moment, the experience of being totally complete and rest within ourselves.

DOING is movement and activity. It stems from the natural creative energy that flows through every living thing and is the source of our vitality.

HAVING is the state of being in relationship with other people and things in the universe. It is the ability to allow and accept things and people into our lives; to comfortably occupy the same space with them.

Being, doing and having are like triangle where each side supports the others. They are not in conflict with each other. They all exist simultaneously.

Often people attempt to live their lives backward: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so that they will be happier.

The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do in order to have what you want.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Like everything in life there will be a time when your passion and love just doesnt seem good enough. You slowly pass through the days with monotony. Train with agony, eat with apathy and sleep with your destiny. In my earliest days of medical practice this was my biggest fear. Fear of losing my passion and living with dwindling motivation. How on earth will I deal with that and what am i gonna do then. I dont even have a back up plan. But with years and numerous failures one thing was certain to me. A flash of brilliance can never beat a consistent and solid work ethic. Bad econimics and survival was just an icing. The worst part is your principles which just doesnt let you compromise or cheat your way through. I knew when it rains it rains on everyone. You can shelter yourself but for so long only. In all the chaos one thing was never lost ...MY HOPE.